Ministry Teams
Do you want to be involved in our church community and possibly join a ministry team? Check out some of our teams here. Feel free to contact the designated contact person for the ministry team you are interested in.
CONTACT: Joanne Barrix
Joanne Barrix — president
Kristine Mladucky —secretary
Brian Willoughby — treasurer
Glenn Johnson, Charlie Strong, Mary Wolf, Christy Dellenbach, John Plautz, Richard Laddusire, Linda Kau, Tina Schmitz, Darlene Machtan
Youth & Education
The Youth & Education Committee plans the curriculum for Faith Explorers, and discusses and plans youth activities such as the annual bike ride, car hop, rally day, special events, and more.
CONTACT: Cory Dellenbach
Outreach & Social ministry
The Outreach & Social Ministry Committee plans upcoming events such as the blood drives, Walk for Water, Food for Kids, Giving Tree, God's Work, Our Hands; and many of the events where food is involved! This committee is all about getting out and helping others and our community.
CONTACT: Cory Dellenbach
Stewardship COMMITTEE
The Stewardship Committee meets the second Tuesday of each month to discuss budget/finances, time and talents, goals for the year/future. The goal of our Stewardship Ministry is to help God's people grow in their relationship with Jesus through the use of time, talents and finances God has entrusted to them.
CONTACT: Joanne Barrix
& Music
The Worship & Music Committee meets about one Tuesday a month to pick songs, discuss any joys and concerns about Worship, and develop new and creative ideas for worship such as using the Holden Evening Prayer for our Lenten Services.
CONTACT: Joanne Barrix
property COMMITTEE
Property and the Tuesday Morning Crew take care of keeping the grounds and building maintained and repaired. They set up for various functions at the church, change banners and signs, shovel and plow snow and mow the lawn.
CONTACT: John Plautz
Immanuel has several groups associated with WELCA, including WELCA Morning Bible Study one Wednesday a month, Faith Circle and Women's Circle.
Here is what we have to offer:
WELCA Bible Study
WELCA Bible Study meets once a month on the third Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m.
Faith Circle
Faith Circle is held the first Thursday of every month at 1 p.m. All are welcome to attend.
Women's Circle
Women's Circle Bible Study is held the third Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m.
Quilting is held every Wednesday at 1 p.m. from early September to May. Quilting is held in the council meeting room on the bottom level.
CONTACT: Immanuel office
What is WELCA?
It’s an easy way to say Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The organization includes Lutheran women who gather in over 7,000 locations in the U.S. and the Caribbean, for service, study, advocacy, fellowship and more!
WELCA embraces all kinds of ministries that support the mission of mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. There is a place for you in Women of the ELCA.
WELCA is the women’s ministry organization of the ELCA. It is separately incorporated and is not an auxiliary of the church. It is financially independent and responsible for its own financial affairs. Financial support comes from individual and group offerings and gifts.